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[AWS] S3 / Lambda / Python / File Name Check / Modified Date : 특정 일자, 파일 명칭 정상 여부 체크 로직 본문


[AWS] S3 / Lambda / Python / File Name Check / Modified Date : 특정 일자, 파일 명칭 정상 여부 체크 로직

코드우드 2021. 1. 5. 14:16
import json
import boto3
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

src_bucket = '{버킷 명}'
file_upload_date = str(datetime(2020, 12, 14).strftime("%Y%m%d"))

def check_data_form_yyyymm(yyyymm) :
    result = False
    if len(yyyymm) == 6 and yyyymm.isdigit():
        result = True
    return result

def get_s3_file_name_list(file_upload_date) :

    s3 = boto3.client('s3', region_name='ap-southeast-2')
    response = s3.list_objects_v2(Bucket=src_bucket)
    s3_file_name_list = []
    for object in response['Contents'] :
        if str(object['LastModified'].strftime("%Y%m%d")) == file_upload_date :

    splited_file_name_list = []

    for name_check_object in s3_file_name_list :
        splited_s3_file_name = []
        splited_s3_file_name = name_check_object.split("/")

    return splited_file_name_list

def check_fine_name_extension(file_name_list) :
    result = True

    for extension_check_object in file_name_list :

        splited_file_name = []
        splited_file_name = extension_check_object.split(".")
        file_name_extension = splited_file_name[-1]
        if (file_name_extension != "chk") and (file_name_extension != "csv") :
            result = False

    return result

def check_file_telegram(file_name_list) :
    result_file_name = True
    result_yyyymm = True
    result = True

    for telegram_check_object in file_name_list :

        splited_file_name = []
        splited_file_name = telegram_check_object.split(".")
        file_name_telegram = splited_file_name[0]
        splited_file_name_telegram = []
        splited_file_name_telegram = file_name_telegram.split("_")
        if len(splited_file_name_telegram) == 2 :
            if (splited_file_name_telegram[0] == "A") :
                result_file_name = True
            elif (splited_file_name_telegram[0] == "B") :
                result_file_name = True
            else :
                result_file_name = False
         else :
            result_file_name = False

    ## 날짜 YYYYMM 여부 확인 
        result_yyyymm = (result_yyyymm and check_data_form_yyyymm(splited_file_name_telegram[-1]))
    ## 작업 대상 목록 전체 점검 중 한개라도 False면 False 처리
        if result_file_name == False :
            result = False
        elif result_yyyymm == False :
            result = False

    return result

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    # TODO implement

    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': json.dumps('Hello from Lambda!')

[전역 변수]
src_bucket : 버킷 명
file_upload_date : 업로드 발생 일

[사용 함수]
get_s3_file_name_list(file_upload_date) : 특정 S3에 있는 파일 전체 중 업로드 발생 일에 해당하는 파일 리스트 일체
check_fine_name_extension(file_name_list) : 파일 확장자 검수
check_file_telegram(file_name_list) : 파일 명 검수

check_data_form_yyyymm(yyyymm) : YYYYMM 형식이 일치하는지 확인하는 함수




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